I'm off to the podiatrist... let's pray that she can figure out what's going on with my foot :)
** UPDATE **
I did go to the doctor yesterday and, praise the Lord, I do not have a fracture of any kind. What I do have, however, is a sprained muscle ligament something-or-other that goes from the bottom of my foot, up around the side. Apparently it's something that takes 4-6 weeks (WEEKS!) to heal. This could be problematic, in that the half marathon is in less than two weeks. Her recommendations? Try to rest it (ahem...), and to do contrast baths twice per day. "What's a contrast bath?" you ask? Well, let me tell you; it's all kinds of fun. Picture this: two tubs of water. One tub contains 104 degree water, which I soak my foot in for 3 minutes. The other tub contains cold water and lots of ice, which I immediately put my foot into, after it comes out of the hot water -- for about 75 seconds. Oh yea, it's really fun. You should try it.
Now, the real question is how much of a break do I let myself take from running, and still try to be ready for May 6? I don't know the answer to that yet. I am, however, starting to get rather nervous. The doctor also mentioned that since these injuries don't heal in two weeks, "the half marathon is going to hurt." And that I should follow that up with an extended break from the impact on that foot. Just peachy.
On a happier note, we received new donations last week. Thank you to Jeff & Tracy McMartin, Paula Guest, Susan Rhem-Westhoff, (Judge) Bobby & Kim Chamberlain, and Tiffany House, for pushing our total funds raised up to $2,870! It's an amazing feeling, to know that so many people are encouraging me in this way; words really can't explain. I just feel very blessed to have so many wonderful and generous people that I am able to call my friends. Thank you so much.
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